Shuffled 2025.02

Political comings and goings from January 8th to 14th

With eighty-eight gazillion stories elsewhere about the transfer of power in the US, we can safely ignore that here, and look instead at which political offices have been changing hands in the rest of the world. After a relatively quiet beginning to the year, this week the pace picks up significantly:

Parliamentary picks:


  • 🇬🇪 Georgia: One change I missed last week was the split on January 1st of the former Ministry of Culture and Sport into, natch, the Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Sport, with separate ministers for each. Tinatin Rukhadze keeps the Culture half, and Shalva Gogoladze takes over as Sports Minister.

Next week:

Australia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Martinique, New Zealand, Palau, Poland, Saint-Barthélemy, Samoa, Suriname, Wallonia, and more. Subscribe to get the full list every week.


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